I am taking a leap and writing about a major portion of my life: triathlons! As if no one could tell I am an active person and working my way towards being a well rounded athlete. Three sports in one! 2011 was a difficult and mostly absent season as I spent most of it in some rehabilitative structure or modality. However, 2011 was a season of learningand has shaped 2012 for me! Under the tutelage of Lori Cooper, Jason Watson and 212 in Motion I am looking forward to some
very hard work and some personal bests! I would also like to share that I have been accepted as 2012 Athlete's Honey Milk athlete as well as Bay Area Multisport athlete. I would also like to thank Tri on the Run for supporting my biking needs especially with customzing my new ride, Bay Area Multisport for the
glorious masters classes and appointing me an
official member of the board and newcomer to the tri's,
HITS triathlon series! I am looking forward to next season whole heartily and anxiously awaiting all my fellow athletes' schedules as well! Without further delay, here is what I'll be up to next year:
3- Woodlands 13.1
29- Kemah sprint-B Houston
5-Wildflower 70.3 A - California
30- Doggie Du- Austin
31- Captex tri Sprint B- Austin
26- Buffalo Springs Sprint A- Lubbock
25- Tri Waco Sprint A- Waco
5- Bridgeland Oly A- Houston
19- Take on the Heat Sprint B- Dallas*
5- Avia Austin Tri Olympic-C Austin
11- US Open Oly A - Dallas
7- Oilman 70.3 A - Conroe
4 White Rock Relay ( full marathon)- A Dallas
31- Loop the Lake -Dallas
Coaches: Lori and Jason |
"Before" |
Even Bella is working hard!
And I will leave all of you with this:
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