Once again my thoughts were sparked not only by some frequent and relentless conversations I eaves dropped in on, but also my visual acuity as I entered my neighborhood 24 hour fitness yesterday. While I could completely get on a quite warranted diatribe about fitness and what it takes to be an athlete or a fitness competitor, I really want to reach out to the "normal" people out there. The ones that struggle just to get to the gym, THINK they are eating healthy, and those that believe they are so far off the wagon they may as well just keep that direction until perhaps they come full circle...The world is round, right?
So often in my field I hear a variety of reasons people refuse to take time for themselves. I am reminded of one client specifically. Perhaps she is the modern day Mother Theresa: always doing and going and giving and planning and praying and, and, and... Of course there was not any time left for her to (GASP) work out! Long story short, if all my clients trusted in themselves and, here's my plug, me, as she has, they would all be experiencing the quality of life as she is. I'd lik to extend this accolade to Debbie Weinstein. However, my point is that I saw a group of morbidly obese ladies gathering around the pool lane as if they were actually going to do some moving. Yes, as I sat there waiting for my coach and team mates to arrive, I analyzed every one of those women. Oversized swim suits similar to house dresses, vericose veins and ecchymosis, edema, inflammation, stretched and tranluscent skin tone, and a repugnance that would send a bear back to the woods. They gather around arms folded, big gulps close by ( this is not a joke), and talking about superficial things yet never heard anything the others had said. Of course my mind was in a tale spin. One lady in particular must have been "on her way out" as she could barely walk and had an oxygen tank attached. She said very little. I couldnt help but wonder all the illness she was beig treated for...and the illness she wasn"t aware of yet. I wonder how long it took her to realize she was doing harm to her lfe. What affected her and held on to her sense of worth that lead her down this road? I wondered what she ate all day and how many pills she had to take and how she remembered all of them. On a larger scale, like attracts like, and they were alike. After 30 minutes or so, one leader attested she was exhausted and going home for dinner. Now, I am empathetic to those who can not move because their body will not allow it. I just came off an injury and 4 months later I still struggle with my athletics. But how is it that speaking for 30 minutes has become a workout? How is it that one day, if ever, you wake up and standing (due to your own negligence) has become your goal for the day?
This prelude brings me to the topic "Better here than there". I chose this as not a means to suboordinate those ladies, but that all too often I convince myself and even judge others, and mainly women, on our appearances. We all do it, I'm just admittig it. When I think about how fortunate I am that my legs work, my arms move, and my heart is beating, suddenly running a sub 3 hour marathon doesn't hold much weight. I have been quite frustrated with my capabilities since my accident, however, I am humbled by the vicious old woman who would love to be able to swim as "fast" as I am currently. I couldn't stand 2 months of being off from workouts for recovery, these woman have been off for years!
While I realize I am looking at others' misfortune with a concerned tone, I also reach out to these peple on a daily basis. I will go a step further to say it is NOT just the ones that are over weight or drowning in pharmaceuticals, but it is also the teenie weenies, the elites athletes and the middle men. It is all of us. We all battle ourselves over and over. We battle each other. My big premonition is: if I work out, eat right and never change an inch or a millimeter, I'm certain I'll be ok with that. I'm healthy and working on inner peace. I'm better off never changing (physique) than going the wrong direction. You are also better off right where you are than falling a slippery slope downhill as age becomes less and less a friend. In closing take a step forward and evaluate who you are and why you are doing ...whatever it is you are doing. If you are an athlete- great. It doesn't make you better than anyone. If you struggle with getting to the gym- it's only as hard as you make it but it also does not define you. Remember the slippery slope. Thanks again for reading...
Completely unrelated sidenote: Congratulations to my friend and elite athlete Bradley Pigage on being the #3 America in the Military World Championships. Well done, sir!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
"True Grit"
Today...and the past few days I've been thinking about the word "grit". What does it mean? What does it mean to you? What does it mean to me? If we are able to erase the perimeters of what is "right or wrong" and jus assess what is, then we can learn a lot from each other. I have recently encountered some emotionally feelings of self doubt and self worth. We all have these moments of weakness, but then I am reminded of what it means to be gritty. A few years ago I started cycling. Now I will not entertain even the slightest title of being a cyclist but I had a bike and some legs, everything else was grit. I joine an all guys team and they nicknamed me "Gritty not Pritty". While I basqued in that compliment, there was only a slight understanding of what grit truly is. "Firmness of character; indomitable spirit" as defined by dictiuonary.com. For some it means juggling the details of lfe: work, family, workouts and anything else tha might advance your way. Grit may be looking adversity in the face when all you aim to do is please others. Perhaps it is tking a flying leap into a new buisness venture or quitting a job that is infinitely suboordinate to our main focus. For me, grit is being able to stay grounded in who I am, why I am and where I come from. I often times think am a bit abrasive or too ballsy , and to you maybe I am. However nothing I have ever done has been easy. It was not easy to be a neophyte to cycling and the only girl on a men's team ( story of my life). I chose to bring this up as all too often we are at the mercy of judgement and fall prey to the mainstream ways of doing things even if we don't necessarily buy into it. I challenge myself not to fall into autopilot and conform to what has always been done and with the aire of "inspiration" at the forefront of my mind, I also challenge you... to be gritty. If it is ice cream for breakfast that you desire- eat it. If it is health you want- do it. If it is a phenomenal relationship or career that drives you, then damn it, put yourself out there without a fear of failure. It is only what you choose to make out of life that you will receive. On the flip side of that, I am also challenged not to make my way the only way. There has never been only one way to achieve something. Look to others for lessons to be learned or ideas to be created. Two heads are better than one! Today my gritty fce is showing. Tomorrow it will still show. I am confident in the decisions that I make, even if they do not meet society's approval . So, take this grit with a grain of salt...pun intended...and go be you! It is my firmness of character that defines me even if it is ever-evolving. Place truth in your heart or head and stay gritty... That is all!
Friday, July 15, 2011
In-Jenn-New-ity First Release
It's a cold day in July for sure. This is the inaugural entry to a new chapter in my life: In-Jenn-New-ity. I chose to create this page as I respect the amount of time it takes to write such events in life. I respect those who open themselves and their hearts up to the world even as judgement and ridicule may be lurking closer than normally comfortable.
Blogging has a therapeutic element to it not only harnessed by the author but by the audience. I read at least 10 blogs a week andi always declare I will start my own. However, if any of you actually know me, I shy away when the thought of being "discovered" or "judged" presents itself. I am muc more familiar with "coy". This being said, my true self knows where and when I have wronged, what mistakes I have made, and of course, the lessons I have learned.
I chose the name as it is inarguably a play on the word ( my truest wit) of "ingenuity" and my name. When I referenced the definition it read "the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity. " I am envious of this word, and those who naturally relate, as I have never possesed these qualities. Sidenote: this is MY blog and my own judgements of self, so this is the world as I see it. I'd love to have the mind of a genious or the brain in which will cure a terminal disase. I'd love to be able to access my resources to create something "priceless" that I shall forever be remembered. I would be at the mercy of the feet of one that refered to me as inventive! Alas, I am working towards using more than 10% of my brain and matching my intellect with the capacity at which I use my heart.
I am a BIG picture person...an admin...a "doer". I tend to fall in the role of the leader and the shot caller. All great qualities to boot, but it does come with a price. I am able to see many colors but I default back to my favorties: black and white ( and pink). I have seldom been a dreamer or detail oriented only to get things done. I admire those who catch the cinematography in a movie, think of ways to mend unconventionals,or even just add a tip to the nearest dollar. It is my quest to relaease myself from the control that once seemed so important and learn to dream for myself. This is just the first minimal step to unleashing my inner self and I know you will enjoy the ride. Fasten your seat belts because it's going to be in-jenn-ious!
Blogging has a therapeutic element to it not only harnessed by the author but by the audience. I read at least 10 blogs a week andi always declare I will start my own. However, if any of you actually know me, I shy away when the thought of being "discovered" or "judged" presents itself. I am muc more familiar with "coy". This being said, my true self knows where and when I have wronged, what mistakes I have made, and of course, the lessons I have learned.
I chose the name as it is inarguably a play on the word ( my truest wit) of "ingenuity" and my name. When I referenced the definition it read "the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity. " I am envious of this word, and those who naturally relate, as I have never possesed these qualities. Sidenote: this is MY blog and my own judgements of self, so this is the world as I see it. I'd love to have the mind of a genious or the brain in which will cure a terminal disase. I'd love to be able to access my resources to create something "priceless" that I shall forever be remembered. I would be at the mercy of the feet of one that refered to me as inventive! Alas, I am working towards using more than 10% of my brain and matching my intellect with the capacity at which I use my heart.
I am a BIG picture person...an admin...a "doer". I tend to fall in the role of the leader and the shot caller. All great qualities to boot, but it does come with a price. I am able to see many colors but I default back to my favorties: black and white ( and pink). I have seldom been a dreamer or detail oriented only to get things done. I admire those who catch the cinematography in a movie, think of ways to mend unconventionals,or even just add a tip to the nearest dollar. It is my quest to relaease myself from the control that once seemed so important and learn to dream for myself. This is just the first minimal step to unleashing my inner self and I know you will enjoy the ride. Fasten your seat belts because it's going to be in-jenn-ious!
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