Monday, July 18, 2011

"True Grit"

Today...and the past few days I've been thinking about the word "grit".   What does it mean?   What does it mean to you?   What does it mean to me?   If we are able to erase the perimeters of what is "right or wrong" and jus assess what is, then we can learn a lot from each other.   I have recently encountered some emotionally feelings of self doubt and self worth.  We all have these moments of weakness, but then I am reminded of what it means to be gritty.    A few years ago I started cycling.   Now I will not entertain even the slightest title of being a cyclist but I had a bike and some legs, everything else was grit.   I joine an all guys team and they nicknamed me "Gritty not Pritty".   While I basqued in that compliment, there was only a slight understanding of what grit truly is.  "Firmness of character; indomitable spirit" as defined by   For some it means juggling the details of lfe: work, family, workouts and anything else tha might advance your way.   Grit may be looking adversity in the face when all you aim to do is please others.   Perhaps it is tking a flying leap into a new buisness venture or quitting a job that is infinitely suboordinate to our main focus.   For me, grit is being able to stay grounded in who I am, why I am and where I come from.  I often times think  am a bit abrasive or too ballsy , and to you maybe I am.   However nothing I have ever done has been easy.   It was not easy to be a neophyte to cycling and the only girl on a men's team ( story of my life).   I chose to bring this up as all too often we are at the mercy of judgement and fall prey to the mainstream ways of doing things even if we don't necessarily buy into it.   I challenge myself not to fall into autopilot and conform to what has always been done and with the aire of "inspiration" at the forefront of my mind, I also challenge you... to be gritty.   If it is ice cream for breakfast that you desire- eat it.   If it is health you want- do it.   If it is a phenomenal relationship or career that drives you, then damn it, put yourself out there without a fear of failure.  It is only what you choose to make out of life that you will receive.   On the flip side of that, I am also challenged not to make my way the only way.   There has never been only one way to achieve something.   Look to others for lessons to be learned or ideas to be created.   Two heads are better than one!   Today my gritty fce is showing.  Tomorrow it will still show.   I am confident in the decisions that I make, even if they do not meet society's approval .  So, take this grit with a grain of salt...pun intended...and go be you!  It is my firmness of character that defines me even if it is ever-evolving.  Place truth in your heart  or head and stay gritty... That is all!  

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