Friday, July 15, 2011

In-Jenn-New-ity First Release

It's a cold day in July for sure.   This is the inaugural entry to a new chapter in my life:  In-Jenn-New-ity.   I chose to create this page as I respect the amount of time it takes to write such events in life.  I respect those who open themselves and their hearts up to the world even as judgement and ridicule may be lurking closer than normally comfortable. 
Blogging has a therapeutic element to it not only harnessed by the author but by the audience. I read at least 10 blogs a week andi always declare I will start my own.  However, if any of you actually know me, I shy away when the thought of being "discovered" or "judged" presents itself.  I am muc more familiar with "coy".   This being said, my true self knows where and when I have wronged, what mistakes I have made, and of course, the lessons I have learned.  
I chose the name as it is inarguably a play on  the word ( my truest wit) of "ingenuity"  and my name.    When I referenced the definition it read "the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity. "   I am envious of this word, and those who naturally relate,  as I have never possesed  these qualities.   Sidenote:  this is MY blog and my own judgements of self, so this is the world as I see it.  I'd love to have the mind of a genious or the brain in which will cure a terminal disase.   I'd love to be able to access my resources to create something "priceless"  that I shall forever be remembered.   I would  be at the mercy of the feet of one that refered to me as inventive!   Alas, I am working towards using more than 10% of my brain and matching my intellect with the capacity at which I use my heart. 
I am a BIG picture admin...a "doer".   I tend to fall in the role of the leader and the shot caller.  All great qualities to boot, but it does come with a price.   I am able to see many colors but I default back to my favorties: black and white ( and pink).   I have seldom been a dreamer or detail oriented only to get things done.   I admire those who catch the cinematography in a movie, think of ways to mend unconventionals,or even just add a tip to the nearest dollar.  It is my quest to relaease myself from the control that  once seemed so important and learn to dream for myself.  This is just the first minimal step to unleashing my inner self and I know you will enjoy the ride.   Fasten your seat belts because it's going to be in-jenn-ious!

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